Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts
Visual Arts Pathways
Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Photography, Ceramics.
Performing Arts Pathways
Drama, Music Performance (Band, Orchestra, Jazz Band, Choir), Music Composition, Alternative Music, Music Construction, Dance, Playwright, Film and Video.
Applied Arts Pathways
Graphic Design, Fashion Design and Manufacture, Advertising Art, Textiles.
Core Content Themes
Performances in Life
In math, we might focus on structural equations. In language arts, we might read novels and non-fiction about architecture and construction. In earth science, we might tackle urban microclimates. Our core content will include the built environment's varied impact on human life, ranging from architectural aspirations and urban decay and the ways in which environments shape human behavior.
Creating Creativity
How have humans moved in the past, and how might we move in the future? These questions might drive math lessons on velocity, science lessons on friction, earth science lessons on environmental costs, and language arts readings that focus on transportation and how that has driven cultural change.