What’s an Academy?
Core Content Themes
Core Content Themes bring relevance and unity to ACHS’s small learning communities. Each Academy will develop two Core Content Themes that infuse Academy concepts into SOL and other required courses.
Academies bring diverse students together around a set of programmatic themes.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Business and Government
Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts
Education, Liberal Arts, and Human Services.
Small Learning Communities
Small Learning Communities define the student’s four-year experience. These represent Pathways or groups of related Pathways. Core Curriculum teachers work within these Small Learning Communities.
Specialized Learning Paths
Specialized Learning Paths are the sequence of courses that lead to proven skills, post-secondary readiness, or career credentials.
Pathways bring together similar Specialized Learning Paths - courses that add up to expertise and/or credentials - and share foundation coursework.