What’s an Academy?
Core Content Themes
Core Content Themes bring relevance and unity to ACHS’s small learning communities. Each Academy will develop two Core Content Themes that infuse Academy concepts into SOL and other required courses.
Academies bring diverse students together around common learning concepts. Academies are the equivalent of “Colleges” in a university model.
Specialized Paths
Specialized Learning Paths define the student’s four-year experience. These represent the students’ interests and their expectations for the future. Pathways will be developed based on the course decisions of students combined with the competencies of the faculty until learner options reach the range of choices illustrated here.
Electives will include both those required by a Specialized Learning Path and those optional within those Paths.. Certain Paths that end with Certifications may fill every elective slot for a student, but for most - within an 8-period A/B school calendar - cross-curricular choices will exist.
Pathways are the equivalent of university departments. These bring together similar Specialized Learning Paths - courses that add up to expertise and/or credentials - and may share foundation coursework.